


January 2024 - In the heart of the global economic system: the protection of intellectual property rights

The explosion of legal instruments for the protection of intellectual property rights, at the end of the 20th century, triggered a radical transformation of the global economy, the impacts of which are of serious concern [read].


26 April 2023 - A new method for treating crops: RNA-based pesticides

Spraying crops with RNA is the latest solution put forward by agrochemical multinationals to combat pests. [read]

February 2023 - Science, what science ? A problem or part of the solution? When the industry doctors science for profit

In the 16th century, Rabelais was already warning us that “Science without conscience is the soul’s perdition”. This statement is true more than ever nowadays, and one may add to it without any hesitation, “and of the world”.... [read]


7 October 2022 - Plants and bacteria largely dominate world biomass

Which are the major groups of organisms living on Earth now and their importance? What place has humanity? Essential data to monitor the evolution of biodiversity. [read]

15 September 2022 - Even what you don’t know can hurt you: the case of glyphosate

Dysfunctions around glyphosate approval. The whithholding of information by the industry demonstrates the need to modify the market approval process of pesticides [read].


31 October 2019 - The dangers of a “partial” impact analysis: the example of a study on the impact of a 100% conversion to organic farming in England and Wales

The critical review of this study illustrates how difficult it is to analyse all dimensions of the food transition and how limiting the scope of research impairs the message sent to decision-makers and the public at large. [read]

16 May 2019 - Scientific research under the influence of private interests (Season 2) : sugar and physical exercise

Coca-Cola waters scientists with millions of dollars to convince consumers throughout the world that with more physical exercice, they may continue absorbing large quantities of sugar drinks without bearing any health consequences.[read]

17 March 2019 - Improved and local paddy varieties in South Asia: governments remain deaf to arguments put forward by farmers while biodiversity continues to decrease

For small farmers of the Indian subcontinent, rice is “more than just a bundle of calories and starch”. [read]


19 December 2017 - The wheelings and dealings of the sugar industry revealed by three Californian researchers

The sugar industry knew the negative effects of their produce on health since the ‘60s but did everything possible to hide them.

Doesn’t the lack of trust of consumers towards a “system” supposed to protect them carry with it a serious political risk? [read]

21 January 2017 - Is there a new paradigm of agricultural research?

Do the growing awareness that our agri-food system has multiple roles to play, the new services to agriculture that other economic sectors can now provide, and the increasing weight of large private corporations contribute to establish a new paradigm of agricultural research? [read]

5 January 2017 - A review of two recent publications and of forthcoming studies illustrates EU’s thinking on food and agriculture

Concerning gaps cast doubt on independence and credibility of research conducted by the European Parliament’s Think Tank. [read]


27 December 2016 - Scientific research under the influence of private interests

A study by France’s INRA shows that a large proportion of research publications on GMOs is the object of conflicts of interest and that, in this case, the content of the publication has high chances of being in favour of seed companies. [read]

8 November 2016 - The race to create super crops: what solutions to increase the efficiency  of use by plants of soil nutrients?

GMOs, hyper developed root systems or new symbiotic associations? [read]

22 February 2016 - To produce more: build an alliance with nature rather than combat it

A US startup wants to regive their importance to symbiotic relations between plants and microorganisms. [read]


23 August 2015 - A major challenge for agricultural research in the mid-term: developping climate-change ready rice varieties

On-going research demonstrates the necessity to invest in public agricultural research to help develop technologies accessible to all farmers. [read]

25 March 2015 - Research and biodiversity can help us reduce the negative impact of climate change: the case of beans

CGIAR researchers developed heat-tolerant bean varieties. [read]

11 February 2015 - A new generation of GMOs based on the RNA interference technology evades regulation and is likely to flood the US market. What about the rest of the world?


3 February 2015 - Nano-pesticides: opportunity or new risk?

In recent years, big agrochemical firms have invested large sums of money in the development of nano-pesticides. [read]


16 September 2014 - Biodiversity or GMOs : how to increase plant resistance against drought?

Seeds are made available on the market that associate common plants (maize, paddy, soya and wheat) to a fungus that gives them the capacity to thrive better under drought conditions. [read]

26 August 2014 - Developing drought resistance or investing in water management?

Investing in research in improved varieties for dryland farming can contribute to the improvement of the lives a large number of people at a much lower cost than investment in irrigation. [read]

24 May 2014 - USAID’s Frontiers in Development essay competition submits its essay to USAID’s Frontiers in Development essay competition. Its topic is: Research on sustainable and accessible agricultural technologies for combatting poverty and hunger. [read]


Seven principles for ending hunger: Development of research

Developing of research on sustainable and accessible agricultural technologies. [read]

26 November 2013 - France: another agriculture is possible

The Afterres2050 report, result of work initiated by Solagro in 2010 shows that it is possible in 2050 France to have a productive and environment-friendly agriculture that can provide a more healthy and sustainable diet to the French. [read]

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Last update:    April 2023