
first quarter 2018


25 March 2018 - Is organic agriculture, under pressure from consumers, turning into the central element of the transition from a conventional “chemical” agriculture towards a more sustainable agriculture?

The answer is clearly : yes. [read]

24 January 2018 - Are industrial megafarms the solution for feeding the world?

The answer is clearly “no” : they do not offer a sustainable solution to the food issue, be it from a technical, environmental, social or even economic perspective [read].

17 January 2018 - What future for the European Union’s Common Agriculture Policy beyond 2020?

Criticised for being inefficient and complex, will the CAP evolve and tackle the new challenges of European food and agriculture, while it is feared that negotiations will more likely focus on the balance of contributions vs. payments received by each Member State than on key issues that are so essential in the eyes of the European population? [read]

Last update:    April 2018

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