Science, what science ?

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Science, what science ?

A problem or part of the solution?

When the industry doctors science for profit

In the 16th century, Rabelais was already warning us that “Science without conscience is the soul’s perdition”.

But what really is science?

By whom and where is it produced?

Can the pursuit of power be the explanation of a certain absence of conscience in science?

Are corruption, lies, cheating, doctoring, cover-up and weak institutions and procedures causing this absence?

Is this the reason why there is an increasing consensus for claiming that technologies derived from science are one of the factors responsible for the systemic crises the world is facing?

What should be done for science to fully become part of a sustainable solution?

These are some of the questions to which the attached text tries to find answers with the help of proven and documented cases.

Read full text in pdf format:  Sciences_en.pdf

Agricultural research in Bhutan


Last update:    February 2023

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