
fourth quarter 2016


27 December 2016 - Scientific research under the influence of private interests

A study by France’s INRA shows that a large proportion of research publications on GMOs is the object of conflicts of interest and that, in this case, the content of the publication has high chances of being in favour of seed companies. [read]

13 December 2016 - Climate finance for poor countries: confusion, lack of transparency and probability that commitments made will not be respected

During COP21 in Paris, rich countries committed to help fund climate adaptation and mitigation efforts of poor countries through a funding mechanism that aims at mobilising USD100 billion annually by 2020. Where do we stand one year later? [read]

20 November 2016 - Africa: can the continent end hunger and become food self-sufficient by 2025?

It seems unlikely that Africa will be able to achieve these two objectives simultaneously. However, it can end hunger, provided it mobilises adequate resources and benefits from support of its partners. [read]

8 November 2016 - The race to create super crops: what solutions to increase the efficiency  of use by plants of soil nutrients?

GMOs, hyper developed root systems or new symbiotic associations? [read]

1 November 2016 - Is “free-tradism” agonising? Why is it increasingly difficult to enter into free trade agreements?

Free trade agreements cannot simply be considered as an economic matter as they also have profound social, environmental, health-related, political and even philosophical implications. [read]

1 October 2016 - The impact of the 2007-2008 food security crisis: the uncounted social and economic cost of resilience

Behind the misleading picture given by statistics, the food crisis has produced structural changes that created more economic vulnerability health hazards and potential social and political time bombs. [read]

Last update:    May 2017

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