News third quarter 2019


24 September 2019 - What causes massive forest fires : greed or poverty?

The planet’s “oxygen factory” is threatened by greed, poverty, inappropriate policies, the non-enforcement of laws and climate change.   [read]

8 September 2019 - Implementing the ecological transition : the example of Totnes in the United Kingdom.

The small town (8,000 inhabitants) located in Devon has the ambition to be autonomous from the point of view of food and energy by 2030. [read]

13 August 2019 - Ensuring world food security in a changing climate will require us to modify our diet, develop appropriate technologies and implement conducive policies  [read]

18 July 2019 - Digitalisation of agriculture in Africa is bound to increase exclusion and inequality

Failing to develop renewed anti-trust regulations and stronger democratic processes to ensure a fair distribution of value added by digitalisation would imply the marginalisation of a large number of farmers [read]

13 July 2019 - Being a lobbyist : accept to accuse sustainable agriculture in order to help develop profits of firms that fund you

Mixing freely carefully selected statistical, ideological, scientific and moral arguments to illustrate their point of view in defiance of any rigour, lobbyists promote ideas - and so-called solutions - that are damaging for the future of world food. [read]

Last update:    October 2019

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