News 2023


23 November 2023 - Climate: global concern and inaction, as COP 28 Dubai is at hand

Climate degradation, increasing impacts of climate change and incapacity demonstrated by humanity to act in order to reduce GHG emissions, make up the context of COP28. [read]

8 November 2023 - Obesity is on the rise everywhere in the world

Obesity has become a major global challenge with considerable negative impact on health and life expectancy. [read]

4 November 2023 - Two years after the Food Systems Summit: plenty of rhetoric and meetings, very few tangible results

While all stakeholders are kept busy with complex and time-consuming processes, a transition already moves forward quietly that leads us into a world where inequalities will be growing inexorably. [read]

21 October 2023 - Four myths about migrations…

To debunk four myths, repeated relentlessly, that bias the debate around migrations. [read]

18 July 2023 - Inequality in food systems - Is it realistic to believe that food systems could become more equal in an unequal society?

Market and economic laws or rights? Is food just another commodity? Can the solution to food inequality be found in actions within food systems only? [read]

7 July 2023 - The French High Council for the Climate castigates France’s inaction in the context of climate change

Unprecedented meteorological conditions in 2022 and their dramatic consequences illustrate the huge challenge created by climate change to France, whose government - as in most countries - is unable to choose between vested and general interest. [read]


26 June 2023 - Fungi: friends or foes?

Many important characteristics and functions of funghi remain poorly understood. However, they offer huge possibilities for improving sustainability of our food systems. [read]

18 May 2023 - Agrochemicals: French authorities undisturbed by evidence on negative impact of industrial agriculture

This illustrates well that the French food policy is inconsistent and that it lacks totally of a vision.[read]

5 May 2023 - The grip of private interests on global food governance and its mechanisms

What are these mechanisms and what can be done to make this governance more democratic? [read]

26 April 2023 - A new method for treating crops: RNA-based pesticides

Spraying crops with RNA is the latest solution put forward by agrochemical multinationals to combat pests. [read]

26 February 2023 - The Brazilian “Cerrado”: a textbook case of “modern” agricultural development based on resources grabbing, collusion and violence

Brazil’s agricultural “miracle” and its dark side... [read]

18 January 2023 - Everybody is worried about increasing inequalities … except the super-rich and our leaders, of course!

The World Economic Forum (WEF) met in Davos for the 53rd time since 1971. Contrarily to the past, the Forum published this time a report that depicts a state of the world that is a source of concern for the future, without, however, giving sufficient importance to growing inequalities. [read]

5 January 2023 - Comprehensive climate insurance: benefits and limits

A comprehensive climate insurance is beneficial only if it is made accessible to all producers and if part of an overall strategy and programme for making agriculture more sustainable and climate-friendly. [read]

Last update:    January 2024

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