
fourth quarter 2018


22 November 2018 - Is “Big Data” remodeling our food system?

Merging of agrifood giants, vertical integration within value chains, drones, DNA editing, blockchains, are examples of changes that have the potential to disrupt our food system. [read]

30 October 2018 - (The minimum of) What you should know about migration…

Migrants: how many are they? Who are they? Why do they migrate? Where do they go? What impact does migration have on the host country and on the country of origin? [read]

23 October 2018 - Eating organic food helps to reduce risks of cancer

A scientific study shows that consuming organic food helps to reduce by 25% the risk of cancer; the reduction is 35% for post-menopause breast cancer and 76% for lymphomas. [read]

16 October 2018 - What future for our food? Three scenarios picture quite different futures

An analysis by FAO fixes conditions required for the future of our food be a future of hope. The way to get there will be difficult and full of pitfalls. [lire]

8 October 2018 - The impacts of global warming of 1.5oC above pre-industrial levels: the IPCC’s Special Report of October 2018

To avoid the disaster foreseen by the IPPC, let’s fundamentally change the way we produce and consume our food! [read]

Last update:    March 2019

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