News 2022


30 December 2022 - COP15 on biodiversity: a welcome but insufficient agreement

Behind the consensus on the protection of 30% of Earth, reached by using an often vague language, the lack of important details and some serious lacunas generates the fear of relative inaction and point to a risk of failure of the promised effort to halt the process of biodiversity destruction. [read]

15 December 2022 - Pollinators are declining rapidly - Rather than protecting them, some are getting mobilized (and invest) for replacing them!

Why bother about organizing the transition towards sustainable food systems, when it is possible to make profits by selling technological “solutions” to “solve” the issue of pollinators? [read]

4 December 2022 - Governance, consumer awareness, better income and wealth distribution, and technological, social and institutional innovations will be key in achieving a desirable future, says FAO

Based on contributions from hundreds of specialists, the latest FAO report on the Future of Food and Agriculture presents a comprehensive analysis of agrifood systems and explores the future with four alternative scenarios. [read]

15 November 2022 - Biogas, source of energy for small farmers in Asia, in the 1980s, has become a profitable commercial industry generating multiple risks

Boosted by the will to replace fossil fuels by agrofuels, the development of biogas production competes with traditional uses of agricultural commodities (food and feed). [read]

15 October 2022 - The loss of biodiversity continues, boosted by climate change, says WWF

Between 1970 and 2019, the Living Planet Index measuring the evolution of population of tens of thousands of vertebrate species decreased by 69%. [read]

7 October 2022 - Plants and bacteria largely dominate world biomass

Which are the major groups of organisms living on Earth now and their importance? What place has humanity? Essential data to monitor the evolution of biodiversity. [read]

15 September 2022 - Even what you don’t know can hurt you: the case of glyphosate

Dysfunctions around glyphosate approval. The whithholding of information by the industry demonstrates the need to modify the market approval process of pesticides [read].

22 August 2022 - Ten years ago, 

In ten years and 400 articles, (and mirror website in English, have been visited more than 500,000 times and its readers made more than 21 million hits, downloading almost 450,000 documents. 

Thank you for your encouragements and support. [read

13 August 2022 - In the media: food crisis and invasion of Ukraine: what happened to Africa?

The ghastly war in Ukraine has been presented in the media as the main cause of the global food crisis, Africa being prophesised as its prime victim. However, to this date, no boat left Ukraine to bring cereals to Subsaharan Africa. [read]

25 April 2022 - Synthetic biology: solution or dangerous delusion?

A techno-economic solution to fix the problems of our food systems. [read]

13 March 2022 - Governance: united to decide or divided to be ruled?

The disaster that could have resulted from the Food Systems Summit was avoided because of a strong mobilisation. But the struggle is still ongoing... [read]

20 January 2022 - A new study shows the widespread contamination of the French by glyphosate

Glyphosate was detected in 99.8% of tested people, and measured in urine with a mean of 

1.19 ng/ml. [read]

Last update:    January 2023

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