
fourth quarter 2017


22 December 2017 - Seafood and tobacco blamed for being responsible for the high level of metal contamination of pregnant women in France

Food for thought as you decide on what you will have on you menu during the forthcoming holiday season! [read]

19 December 2017 - The wheelings and dealings of the sugar industry revealed by three Californian researchers

The sugar industry knew the negative effects of their produce on health since the ‘60s but did everything possible to hide them.

Doesn’t the lack of trust of consumers towards a “system” supposed to protect them carry with it a serious political risk? [read]

18 December 2017 - Growing inequalities are a threat to world social and political stability

Since 1980, inequality increased in almost all countries. The main gainers of growth have been the small minority of the richest, losers have mainly been the middle-class in rich countries, which may explain political changes observed of recent in those countries. [read]

26 November 2017 - Large manoeuvres in the global food system: concentration and financialisation consolidate its industrial nature

Increased risks of monopolistic behaviour, dissipation of accountability, obstacles to innovation constitute threats on the sustainaility of our food. [read]

7 November 2017 - How tax evasion reinforces financial power, weakens public institutions and policies and perpetuates dependence

The vacuum created in public finance by tax evasion allows the private sector, especially private finance, to increase its influence on governments’ activities. [read]

15 October 2017 - Food-Health nexus: priority to public interest, independent research and reshaped power balance are indispensable ingredients for reengineering our food systems and make them healthier

Dominated by private interests, our food systems affect negatively our health, generating severe human and economic costs. [read]

10 October 2017 - $1.2 trillion annually, is the estimated cost of obesity by 2025, unless proper action is taken

Wednesday 11 October will be the third World Obesity Day [read]

Last update:    April 2018

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