List of main publications


  1. *   M. Maetz, a series of around 350 articles on food and agriculture, published on (2012- today).

  2. *   M. Maetz, Vengeances Romaines (une distraction policière), novel, 305 p., Vérone éditions, Paris, 2020 (in French).

  3. (2012- today).

  4. *   M. Maetz (Senior Editorial advisor, collective), The future of food and agriculture – Drivers and triggers for    

  5.     transformation, 416p., FAO, (2022).

  6. *   M. Maetz, Background notes on food policy, Università degli studi Roma Tre, 2021 (version in French).

  7. *   M. Maetz, Deus ex machina, Octuor Volume 4, novel, 337 p., Vérone éditions, Paris, 2020 (in French).

  8. *   M. Maetz, Déesses perdues..., Octuor Volume 3, novel, 333 p., Vérone éditions, Paris, 2020 (in French).

  M. Maetz, Octuor, Volume 2, novel, 380 p., Vérone éditions, Paris, 2019 (in French).

*    M. Maetz, Octuor, Volume 1, novel, 337 p., Vérone éditions, Paris, 2018 (in French).

*    M. Maetz, Alimentazione e cambiamento del clima, in Rivista Incontri: L’ecologia integrale della Laudato si’, Anno IX, No.17, gennaio-giugno 2017 (French version; English version).

*    M. Maetz, Contributing to mainstreaming social protection in Southland’s Rural Development Strategy, A series of case studies for FAO Representatives and Trainer’s Guide, FAO Social Protection Learning Programme, ERUSMA/FAO, 2017

*    M. Maetz, Mainstreaming social protection in Southland’s Rural Development Strategy, A series of case studies for Country Policy and Planning Experts and Trainer’s Guide, FAO Social Protection Learning Programme, ERUSMA/FAO, 2017

*    M. Maetz, Vert ou le Sacrifice de Léa, novel (in French), 392 p., Edilivre, 2015

*    M. Maetz, Intergenerational equity: the European social model - The story of a political mistake (2015) (in French: Equité intergénérationnelle : le modèle social européen - Histoire d’une faute politique)

*    M. Maetz, L’equità intergenerazionale è possibile: a condizione di cambiare profondamente i principi che governano il mondo, in Rivista Incontri: Un nuovo umanesimo? Anno VII, No.14, gennaio-giugno (2015) (English version)

•M. Maetz, Basic concepts of socioeconomic development policy, Social Protection Learning Programme (SPLP), Institute of Development Studies/FAO (2014)

•M. Maetz, Policy process analysis, Social Protection Learning Programme (SPLP), Institute of Development Studies/FAO (2014)

M. Maetz and A. Uhlmann, Four capacity development case-studies on investment, GIZ/FAO (2014)

M. Maetz, Equità intergenerazionale e sostenibilità - Le nostre società disuguali si apprestano a lasciare una pesante eredità alle generazioni future, in Rivista Incontri: Riformarsi, come? Anno V, No.9, gennaio-giugno 2013 (English version)

•M. Maetz, D. Dukpa and Y. Dorji, Private investment in agriculture in Bhutan, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Royal Government of Bhutan, Thimphu, April 2012

•M. Maetz et al., Food and agricultural policy trends after the 2008 food security crisis: Renewed attention to agricultural development, FAO July 2011,

M. Maetz et al. Guide for Policy and Programmatic Actions at Country Level to Address High Food Prices, FAO January 2011 (update)

FAO, collective, Monitoring African Food and Agricultural Policies – A synthesis of relevant policy analysis work in Africa, FAO August 2010

M. Maetz, Are we entering a new agricultural policy era following the food security and financial crises? 9th Asia Pacific Agriculture Policy Forum, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 21-22 June 2010

•M Demeke, M. Maetz and G. Pangrazio, Country responses to the food security crisis. FAO, 2009

•Balié, Bruentrup, Darbon, Maetz and Pica-Ciamarra, Policy intelligence and preparedness, draft concept note, FAO - DIE – CEAN, 2009

•M. Maetz et al. Guide to immediate response to the food crisis at country level, FAO 2008

•M. Maetz and J. Balié, Influencing policy processes – Lessons from experience, FAO, 2008

W. Kidane, M. Maetz and P. Dardel, Agricultural development and food security in sub-Saharan Africa:  Building a case for more support, FAO 2006

  1.     M. Maetz, Southland - A case study-based training exercise in policy analysis for the agricultural and rural sector (revised version), FAO Capacity Development in Food and Agriculture Policies, 2004

M. Maetz, Structure et fonctions des organismes de l’état pour le développement agricole et la sécurité alimentaire (2003)

M. Maetz, Technical memorandum on the harmonisation of agricultural policies of COMESA countries in the perspective of a common agricultural policy (CAP) FAO/COMESA, Kampala, Uganda, 2002

M. Maetz, Re-engineering of agricultural policies in countries in transition: rationale and approach, FAO, Budapest, 2001

•M. Maetz and A. Tanyeri-Abur, Taxation agricole et globalisation dans les pays en développement, in Politiques Agricoles des pays de l'UMA, Expériences et défis, FAO, Tunis, 2001

M. Maetz, Quantitative Policy Analysis Tools: Commodity Chain Analysis, Rome 2000

M. Maetz, Diversification, FAO 2000

oDefinition and Objectives

oEconomic Policies and Diversification

oComponents of an Agriculture Diversification Programme

•M. Maetz and Y. F. de Larrinoa Arcal, Trends in world and agricultural trade in "Multilateral Trade Negotiations on Agriculture, a Resource Manual", FAO 2000

  1.     J.M. Caballero, M. Maetz  and M.G. Quieti, International trade: Some basic theories and concepts in "Multilateral Trade Negotiations on Agriculture, a Resource Manual", FAO 2000

M. Maetz, Le suivi de la mise en œuvre et l’impact des politiques agricoles - Quelques réflexions d’ordre méthodologique et pratique, 1999

FAO (Collectif), Renforcement des capacités techniques et d’analyse des Organisations paysannes, FONGS/FAO, Rome, 1999

oManuel 1 : Politiques économiques

oManuel 2 : Politiques agricoles

•M. Maetz, M. Kamanyire and A. Ngororano, Post-liberalisation cereal commodity markets in Eastern and Southern Africa, Economy Policy Research Centre (EPRC), Kampala, Uganda and FAO, Harare, 1997

M. Maetz, Comment organiser un cours et d’autres activités de formation sur CAPPA, Training materials for agricultural planning 22/8, FAO, Rome 1990

•M. Maetz, Population et main d'oeuvre dans CAPPA, Training materials for agricultural planning 22/7, FAO, Rome 1990

•M. Maetz, Projection of agricultural supply in CAPPA, Training materials for agricultural planning 22/4, FAO, Rome 1991

M. Maetz, Setting targets for agricultural planning: from macroeconomic projections to commodity balances: an illustration with the CAPPA system, Training materials for agricultural planning 22/2, FAO, Rome 1990

M. Maetz, People, Food and Economic Growth, Ghana’s Challenge for Year 2000, FAO, Accra, Ghana, 1990

M. Maetz, Programmation des micro-réalisations au Niger, FAO, Rome 1988

M. Maetz, Sikar District, a case study for decentralized agricultural development planning, Institute of Public Administration/FAO, Delhi, India 1987

M. Maetz and M-G. Quieti, Training for decentralisation: lessons from experience, vol 1 & 2, FAO 1987

M. Maetz, Decentralization in Nepal: an observation, FAO/APROSC, Pokhara, Nepal (1986)

FAO/APROSC (Collective), Training materials for Decentralized Planning, FAO/APROSC, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1986

FAO/APROSC (Collective), Planning training manual (District level, Edition II) (Coll.), FAO/APROSC, Kathmandu, Nepal 1985

M. Maetz et Le Vu Hao, Anouda – Etude de cas sur une petite opération de développement agricole, FAO, Rome (1983)

M. Maetz, Le Vu Hao et Samba Niane, Matériel de formation à la planification décentralisée, MDR/FAO, Niamey, Niger, 1983

M. Maetz, Développement regional du Gouvernorat de Jendouba, Jendouba/Tunis, Tunisie (FAO, 1981)

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Last update: January 2023

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