Changing paradigm:

Thinking global crises and their solutions

‘outside the box’ - First part

Download full text in pdf format   Paradigm_part1.pdf


Changing paradigm:

Thinking global crises and their solutions ‘outside the box’

First part: When dealing with complex and intertwined crises,

mainstream economic solutions prove ineffective

and generate more inequalities

The case of the climate crisis

The multiple systemic crises faced by the world are complex and intertwined. They are the result of a great variety of interacting social, economic, political, cultural, physical and biological processes. They occur in an uncertain world, by lack of knowledge of these processes and their inter-linkages, and because of the unpredictability of human behaviour.

There is an agreement that the perpetuation of humanity is at stake.

Because of its partial and reductionist perspective, mainstream economic thinking does not propose science-based solutions for reducing anthropogenic GHG emissions responsible for climate change that are credible, rational, operational and effective, contrarily to what its champions claim. Its proposals tend to amplify inequality by asking a relatively more important effort to low-income households and do not affect the behaviour of the rich.

It is absolutely vital to look for other solutions that are simultaneously effective and just (fair), and for this, to think outside the box of mainstream economics and its simplistic framework.

Read full text in pdf format:  Paradigm_part1.pdf

Second Part: Thinking outside the box - A solution to cut GHG emissions while reducing inequalities.


Last update:    October 2022

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