The political dimension of hunger:
The food and agricultural policies paradox
Last update: September 2013
The food and agricultural policy paradox
Why is agriculture protected in rich countries and penalised in poor countries, when most of the hungry live in poor countries whose resources come mostly from agriculture?
How can this paradox be explained?
What are the fundamental causes that explain this situation and why is nothing really moving and an unacceptable number of people continue suffering from hunger while the world has never been as rich as today and has never produced so much food per person?
The causes have to be sought in the very structure of the society of countries concerned and in the interest of various stakeholders as well as their power to influence ruthless social and economic relations (Read more on Food and agriculture: stakeholders and issues).
The importance of food in the national economy, the economic weight, the level of organisation and capacity of action of farmers, are among some of the main explanatory factors of this paradox.
The future evolution of these characteristics may also bring changes in food and agricultural policies, and, finally, in the prevalence of hunger. These changes can already be observed in a number of countries.
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