Changing paradigm:

Thinking global crises and their solutions

‘outside the box’ - Second part

Download full text in pdf format  Paradigm_part2.pdf


Changing paradigm:

Thinking global crises and their solutions ‘outside the box’

Second Part - Thinking outside the box:

A solution to cut GHG emissions while reducing inequalities

Scientists were aware of the main mechanism of climate warming since Arrhenuis’ work in the late 19th century. It is, however, only with the IPCC’s publications and the multiplication of extreme meteorological events that some declarations were made on the need to try and mitigate climate change and adapt to the new conditions it creates.

Orthodox economists made their proposal: giving a price to anthropogenic carbon. This solution, unbearable for the poorest, is painless for the richest and it has had no real impact on GHG emissions that continue to increase, directing humankind towards a situation where global heating with so intense that it will make living conditions more and more difficult.

The proposal made here - the GHG account - will make citizens more responsible and turn then into informed actors of the combat against climate change, instead of ruled and passive “pedagogized” individuals. It will make it possible to cut GHG emissions while reducing inequalities.

For this proposal to become fully operational, there will be a need to mobilize intellectual, technical, political and financial resources, without further delay, because time is pressing. Its application will not be easy, but difficulties met are nothing compared to those that a continuation of sluggish action would generate. New ideas might be frightening, but very much less than disaster resulting from inaction. It is only if everyone does get involved that the right balance of power can be created so that appropriate action is taken.

Read full text in pdf format:  Paradigm_part2.pdf

ReminderFirst Part - Thinking outside the box - A solution to cut GHG emissions while reducing inequalities.


Last update:    December 2022

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