

Conference on Global Sustainability and Local Foods

Rome, 2 October 2015



The American University of Rome and the American Academy in Rome invite you to contribute to the upcoming Conference on Global Sustainability and Local Foods on Friday, 2 October 2015.

Conference, in collaboration with the University of Naples Federico II and the University of Pisa and under the Patronage of Expo Milano 2015 and the European Society of Rural Sociology, aims to:

  1. review theories and empirical evidence on local food production and consumption and their contextualization in the current and future prospects of the world food situation;

  2. contribute to the knowledge, teaching and dialogue on food as an interdisciplinary topic and identify areas of work and research from a social science and liberal arts perspective, including new communication genres.

A detailed list of themes for contributions can be found on The American University of Rome Graduate School's website.


Papers: Feb. 15, 2015
Posters and videos: May 30, 2015.

We would be pleased to receive your contribution.  For any queries you might have about  the 
Conference or the Master’s Program in Food Studies of The American University of Rome, please send your email to or contact Dr. Maria Grazia Quieti ( 


We  look forward to welcoming you to the Conference.


Last update:    January 2015